
Hebon ND设施



希布伦的设施是一个相当简单的结构,60 ' x 80 ',顶部是16 ',顶部是22 '。它有石膏板墙和天花板,还有抛光的混凝土地板。你可以想象,这至少是一场反思的噩梦。令人惊讶的是,即使是在这个空间里,你都不能理解超过一半的人说的话。这几乎成为市政官员的一个麻烦,他们希望尽快解决这个问题。我很高兴我们在计划的时间框架内完成了项目,这也让数字$$$也起作用了。当我们贴越来越多的瓷砖时,房间的变化真是令人着迷。一开始,你可以站在一个被处理过的区域下面,注意上面的瓷砖是如何影响你所在的区域的。如果你走到房间里未经处理的区域,听到这些反射就会觉得很陌生。从音响公司的角度来说,我们通常通过扬声器的摆放和我们引进的橱柜数量来“解决”问题,但在这种情况下,随着我们贴越来越多的瓷砖,房间变得易于管理,而且实际上令人愉悦,我敢说令人放松。 This was not something I anticipated but it was amazing to experience. As a production provider, I would most certainly rather come into a room that have been treated correctly to begin with, than try to solve a rooms problems with equipment, time, and cost to the client. And worst of all, it’s the patron of that space or event who loses, because the entertainment or experience they paid for has been marginalized by an unfit environment. I came away with a new perspective on what you can do with a blank space, how it sounds, and how it feels. Going from 5 sec of reverb to about 2 sec of reverb was quite a difference. When a person talked, you felt closer to them, even in an open space– best of all. you didn’t miss a word. In closing, I hoped to translate what a great experience this has been. It has opened my eyes to another approach regarding indoor spaces and how they can sound. Ted is a wealth of knowledge and is quite skilled at how to communicate it. Bonded Acoustical Cotton is a fantastic product which I am sure we will continue to use for a long time. Thank you for your help, expertise, and support. We look forward to our next project.
